Stel vraag

Familie, Scheiden, Alimentatie


Verklaring van erfrecht

I am a resident in Luxembourg, my father lived in the Netherlands. He died on 11.01.2022 in the Netherlands. He made no will. I was contacted by Beter Bewind Bescherming Bewind saying that my father had 2 500 euros in his bank account and 450 euros in cash and that I should contact the notarty in NL to obtain the Verklaring van erfrecht. My father had no immovable property. This ~ 2500-3000 euros was the only asset he had. I am 19 years old and do not understand the Dutch language and laws. I have no income as I am a still student. The notary who I contacted made me an offer for €705,70 euros with additional clause that there might be additional costs to handle the case. I am afraid that I will end up in debts in the end. Am I not entitled to get a free legal aid or requests to be freed from notary fees due to no income? I am afraid to accept the offer and continue the proceeding due to financial consequences for my disantvantage. Besides, I do not understand the terms the notary office have put down. Can you please consult me what are my options and rights?

There are online options to obtain a simple verklaring van recht for the price of /vanaf 228. But in this case you might not need this document : Dutch bancs usually do not ask it with litlle amount of money ) less 100.000. I suggest you call the banc and ask in general if a verklaring for recht is needed.

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If you or you and your father have Dutch nationality the above answer could be valid but in other cases not. ( then you have a more complex inheritance with different nationalities or residents. ) And ask the bewindvoerder if they think there are debts, I do not expect this to be the case, but when they say it is there are other possibilities to accept the inheritance if Dutch law applies.

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Reactie van de vraagsteller

Dear Monique, thank you a million for a quick and thorough reply. My father has Dutch nationality but I have Estonian. My birth certificate is issued in Estonia, (it follows the model contained in the International Commission on Civil Status Conventions (CIEC), which Dutch authorities should acknowledge). I will meantime contact the bank too. I suppose that I will face a more complex case then due to different nationality and residence. What should I do then next? Requesting a simple verklaring van recht for the price of /vanaf 228 is no option in my case? When I googled, I could not find where could I submit a request for a verklaring van recht online. Can you send me a link please. Many many thanks in advance, Henri

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