Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


Termination notice to landlord with one month notice?

I want to leave my apartment and terminate my rental agreement. I would like to provide one months notice to my landlord now before the end of the current month (March), to move out and into a new apartment on the 1st May.

I usually pay my rent for the upcoming month on the 30th of the previous month. E.g. for the month of Aprils rent, I will pay this soon in a few days time.

In my rental agreement however it says, “Beëindiging van de huurovereenkomst is uitsluitend mogelijk bij aangetekend schrijven aan verhuurder of per email, met ingang van het moment waarop een nieuwe betaalperiode aanvangt en met inachtneming van een opzegtermijn gelijk aan twee betaalperioden voor de huurder en drie betaalperioden voor verhuurder.” // “Termination of the rental agreement is only possible by registered letter to the landlord or by email, with effect from the moment a new payment period commences and with due observance of a notice period equal to two payment periods for the tenant”.
But is this legal?

As I have read online, "Temporary contracts are allowed for up to two years (independent residences, self-contained). They cannot contain a minimum fixed term. This means that the tenant must always be allowed to give notice (no longer than one month)".

Other points of note in my agreement include the below:

-> "3.1 - Deze overeenkomst is aangegaan voor een minimale looptijd van 16 maanden ingaande op 01/03/2021 en lopende tot en met 30/06/2022."
-> "Als de in 3.1 genoemde periode verstrijkt zonder opzegging overeenkomstig 3.3, loopt de overeenkomst voor onbepaalde tijd door."

1 - Can you confirm if it is legal or not?
2 - Can I then tell my landlord I am giving one month's notice to move out now, pay for April, then leave at the end of April, and request my deposit back?

Many thanks for any advice you can provide me on this. I look forward to your response.

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