Stel vraag

Zakelijk, Arbeid, Schade


Question about Horeca WAB contract change: Shouldn't I be paid extra when pay period is changed?

I have been working for a Hotel for a few years and had a permanent contract for a few years. We used to always be paid from the 16th of the month to the 15th of the following month and then get salaries at the end of the month. However, when the WAB came into effect last year, apparently the pay period changed to 1st - end of month, and we get paid for that entire month according to our guaranteed hours (in my case 135 per month).

This change happened in March 2020 and I noticed that in February 2020 I got paid for the pay period January 16th - February 15th. Then in March I got paid from March 1st - March 31st. So there is a discrepancy with the hours paid form February 16th - February 29th.

I have contacted the bookkeeper of our company multiple times about this and his response is that I had a few less hours than my contract in the months following the renewal of the contract and that those under hours added up to the missing hours from February. This makes absolutely no sense to me since they should not be able to relay hours from before the WAB contracts took effect into the new contracts that we have. I also have a string of emails from him about this that I would like to send to you if you send me an email to the above address.

My question to you is if they have any legal standing to jump 2 weeks forward with the pay periods and not pay us 1,5 months salaries one month to make up for that?
Any information you may have on this would be greatly appreciated and thank you very much for all you do, your service is extremely valuable for people that need advise and don't know where to turn.

Kind regards,

Gratis antwoord op juridische vraag

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