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Consument, Verzekering, Schade


Problems invoice roofer?

I am French and I have asked 2 Dakdekker companies to redo our roof. I have picked the cheapest. They did the job and told me I will receive a digital invoice. 3 days later a Saturday morning I have received an email asking for digital signature. I thought it was the process to get the invoice but it was the offerte from the other company. The next day on Sunday afternoon I have canceled the order via WhatsApp when I noticed my mistake. Since then this company is sending me Registered letters from their lawyers charging me more than 3000€. I don’t speak Dutch I have the invoice from the company who did the job that same week. The offerte stated penalties if cancellation after 24hours. Is this legal ? What should I do ?

Good morning,

these agreements are eligible to be cancelled if done in time. It does depend on what is stated in the agreement (order confirmation) and/or the general terms and conditions applicable to it. Without having gone through these documents, it is difficult to say exactly what your legal position is. If you would like to discuss your case, you can always contact us.

Kind regards,

Silvienne Leito
FerLei Legal

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