Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


Neighbour flooding our apartment

We are owners of apartment which is part of VVE. Around 3 weeks ago we noticed water leaking from celling in bathroom and also water stain in kitchen. At this moment there is a lot od mold as well as this grown during the last 3 weeks. We informed owner of apartment upstairs and also the office which is handling VVE issues. Until now problem is not fixed, and also damages in our apartment are growing. Are you able to help to get the owner of apartment upstairs to stop leaking issue as well to cover cost of our damages. My apartment is insured but I don't know about neighbour apartment. Kind regards

You must send a legal notice to the landlord , and he on his part need to speak to the other owner or write a legal notice directly to the neigbour. This could be a problem caused by a lack of pipe from an idividual owner or lack of vertical pipe ( this is a vve probleme) The causative agent is responsible for the damage in your appartement.

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