Stel vraag

Zakelijk, Arbeid, Schade


My company is threating me to sign settle agreement?

I would like to ask for help with a situation I am facing at my work, I am currently sick due to stress situation that is going on at my job, although my company is accusing me of lying and that I am not sick as for them this stressful moment I am going through is not categorized as sick even though I insisted that I am sick because is a lot of stress which is leading me to have panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Arbodienst arranged a meeting with my manager and HR manager yesterday on 01st of November and my company (GXO) accused me that there is no stress situation and that I am not sick based on what arbodienst told them, after that meeting I contact R. from Arbo and she has informed me that she never told my company that I am not sick and they should arrange that meeting in order to fix the work conflict as they are treating me different from my colleagues in order to reintegrate me back to work, but what happened is that my company is accusing me of having a lot of sick leave and doctor’s appointment and that is against the rules, the meeting went badly I was accused of lying and I was threatened by them if I don’t sing a settle agreement I would be fired without any money or privileges that this agreement is just a gesture. I informed them that I will not sign any agreement because as I am sick almost leading to depression again that means I cant be looking for another job with this mental state and they said if I don’t signed it and if I ever get sick again for the next time then I will have a problem with them and they have enough to fire me because I have a lot of sick leave and I would be fire without any money or privileges. So my question is can they really do that? Other important question: is it against the law for me to record those meeting without my company knowing as it is not the first time they threatened to fire me? I would like to know if I can sue my company for not taking serious my sick leave as I am having panic attacks and feeling to self-harm because of all this pressure they put on me again for the 3rd time. For this moment my company removed me from sick leave without my consent and put me on garden leave and I am waiting to have a company doctor appointment in 2 weeks and also waiting for them to send me the settle agreement.

Thank you for taking your time to read my side of the story and looking forward to get in touch with you soon.

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