Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


Legal period for Type A Rental Agreement?

We are renting out an apartment in Amsterdam, for almost a year now, under a Type A Rental contract (indefinite period) - with a minimum of 12 months (in which none of the parties can terminate the agreement) . The 12 months period will end on 6th of September, and a couple of days ago we received an e-mail from the real estate agency, working on behalf of the landlord, announcing us that the landlord plans to come back to the Netherlands earlier than expected, so that e-mail is the mandatory one month notice, before the contract expires.
That confused me and my husband a lot, because we signed a Type A contract, which stated that the notice period, from the landlord side should be between 3-6 month prior. So, we wrote back to them saying that we are not planning to move out in a month, and that our contract has indefinite period of time. We haven't heard from them from last Friday (4th of August)
So, what should we do in this case? How should we approach the situation, because right now we are very stressed and stuck between finding a new place soon - risking to pay a much higher rent, or pushing back. What if they come on that date and evacuate us? If we push back, are we going to receive our Initial Deposit back? Should we negotiate with them something? What is your advice?

Gratis antwoord op juridische vraag

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