Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


Landlord terminates rental contract when house is being sold?

I'm renting a room in a house and I live with two housemates.
The landlord now wants to sell the house and is telling us that we have to move out within 3 months of the house being sold.
Our contract doesn't have an end date, but it mentions that the landlord can terminate it as long as they give 3 months of notice.

Is selling the house a legal reason to terminate our renting contract?

Dear sir, madam,

I can't advise you specifically but in general the law states as follows.

When a tenant rents a living home for an undetermined time, the home-owner can only end the rental contract on legal grounds. There are some legal grounds in the law which allows the home-owner to end the contract. Just selling the place is not one of the legal grounds. One of the grounds is when the home-owner needs the space in an urgent matters for his own good. But even if so, when the tenant doesn't agree with ending the rental agreement, the home-owner has to start a case at court to ask the judge to eind the rental agreement. It looks like in your case that the home-owner can't end the contract but to know this for sure I would like to get to know further details, read the rental agreement and the correspondence between you and the landlord.

If you want an personalized legal analysis of your case, please feel free to contact me at We can set up an online call.

yours sincerely
mr. Pieter-Jan de Jong

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