Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


How to stop room rental contract

I Ukrainian refugee and because of war in my country came to Amsterdam and find a room for rent to live and work here. Landlord said that its not just room for rent, its some "community" where roommates at least one time per month spend time together. At first I don't think that this will be a problem. Except me, one more girl rent room at this apartment. Landlord also lives here.
After two weeks I'm staying here, he make a party at his house and invited his friends. Everything was ok. But after couple of days he wright me that he want go out only with me. I refused. Said if will be more people, its ok. But if only me and him, no. Also lied him that I already have boyfriend that's why for me this is not normal to go on date with him. Thought it helps me. But after hearing it, he becomes very angry, start to blame me how dare I find someone. Said that he have plans on me. He expect spend Christmas and New year with me. Told that he very likes Ukrainian girls, he was at Ukraine many times, his ex from Ukraine, and he wants to have Ukrainian girlfriend again. Also said that he always used to have relationship with girls whom he rent a room after some times. I was totally shocked. I start to afraid of him. I didn't have lock on my door. After this, several times he tried to force me to go on date with him using psychological abuse. But when it doesn't happen, he take out the keys and kick me out.
After, he send me a letter that I leave house by my own decision (not that he said me I have 15 minutes to leave his house). Now I need to live in shelter for Ukrainian refugees, quite not clean big room in which live together more than 50 people (mix men and women), where you have only your own bad, shower on the street, far away from Amsterdam, so its took a long time to get to my work.
I would like to know, is it possible to stop this contract? I can send pictures of it.

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