Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


Help on issue rental agreement?

We would like to bring the below issue to your attention and kindly ask for your advice on what are our rights as tenants.
On 01-10-2020, my current roommate, another roommate and myself signed a rental agreement for an apartment with effect from 01-10-2020 until 31-09-2022.
This contract was terminated on 31-08-2021 because one roommate left and another replaced them.On 11-08-2021 my current roommate, a new roommate and myself signed a new rental agreement in the same apartment with effect from 01-09-2021 until 31-08-2023. On 19-07-2023, we were informed that we need to leave the apartment by 31-08-2023.
In both our rental agreements it says: “The parties opt for a short-term tenancy agreement (for a term of two (2) years or less pursuant to Article 7:271 (1) of the Dutch Civil Code (self-contained accommodation). If, after expiry of the limited period of time, the tenancy agreement is continued, the tenant will be entitled to security of tenure”.

1 Our first question is: can the landlord ask us to leave the apartment if our tenancy agreement was continued after the first one expired?

2 Our second question is: can the landlord ask us to leave the house with less than 1 month of notice? The second contract was signed on 11-08-2021 and the termination notice came in on 19-07-2024.

Please let us know what are the next steps and what our rights are with regards to living in our current apartment until we find a proper accommodation.

I would like to get in touch with you to discuss your case. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at

With kind regards,

Shamina Balaydin

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