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Zakelijk, Arbeid, Schade


From 2013 to 2017 I was granted a scholarship to do a Ph.D. at the University of Groningen. The scholarship consisted of $1000 euros a month salary and $750 euros a year for health insurance (I never had a fare salary or benefits). Additionally, I had a bench fee to perform experiments. Since my arrival, my promotor or supervisor told me that my bench fee was not enough to perform my experiments so I had to chip in with other projects. At the end of my Ph.D. I was able to perform very few experiments on my own. After my scholarship ended, I came back to Mexico and the plan was to finish my thesis with help of my supervisor but she never had time to help me saying that she had other more important things to do. Now she said that I should leave without graduating because she won't help me graduate. If I don't get my degree I will have to pay back the money to the Mexican Government. I need legal help to either force the university to give me my degree or my money back, I suspect that my supervisor never allowed me to do experiments because she wrongfully used my bench fee for other experiments or projects that were to benefit her professionally and is about to left me out with a huge debt. I cannot pay for legal fees, sadly.

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