Stel vraag

Zakelijk, Arbeid, Schade


Employer did not pay for my last month of working

I have worked at a private dental practice as dental assistant in Amsterdam. I have worked there since April 2022 till November 2022 - my contract was 0h valid until May 2023. My employer stopped scheduling me for the shifts in December and told me to stop coming to work anymore, however did not inform me about firing me or letting me go. End of December I realised that I did not receive my salary for the month November (I have worked a full month). I have contacted the employer, however I did not receive any answer. Employer registered in UWV that he paid me the money for the full month, however I never received any money in my bank account. I have tried messaging him, sending e-mails and getting advice at the juridish locket however he blocked me and never responded to anything. Juridish locket told me that they cannot do anything and I need to get a lawyer for which I will have to pay myself.
It is not normal that I've worked full month for this man which is a thief and he did not pay me my salary (and did not even tell me I am fired) but he registered it all with the government at UWV.
My friend has told me about this website and said to give it a try to get some advice here, so I am giving it a shot. I just want to get my money that I have worked hard for. He did the same thing to the other employee who worked there with me at the same time.
He only hires people from other countries because he knows we do not know our rights as well as Dutch people so he can scam us and take advantage of us.

Gratis antwoord op juridische vraag

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