Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


Deposit - energy costs and notice period

I left my apartment last month and my landlord is now claiming money from my deposit:
- I was paying advanced payment for energy every month but there is an extra bill of almost 800€. He wants me to pay part of it and take the money from my deposit. (The bill he is talking about is a yearly bill but i was in the apartment only 8 months on that period).

- I told him according to the government's website he did not have the right to do so but he replied that he had the right and could also claim one month rent because I did not respect the notice period. It is true but I have text messages from him where he says he agrees with it and saying he will send back my deposit. Also, at the same period he received a notification that he was not allowed to rent the 3rd room in the apartment so it was a win-win situation for everyone: I could leave the apartment earlier, the new roomate still had a room and he complied with the law. If he had said no or said that he would take the money from my deposit I would have not left and would have respected my notice period.

Thank you for your help, I can elaborate more on the situation if needed.

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Stel vraag