Stel vraag

Zakelijk, Arbeid, Schade


Contract not being renewed due to burnout?

I am currently on sick leave due to burnout and the company doctor said I should slowly reintegrate and asses my situation at work, when I requested that at the office they told me (although my contract was expiring in 3 months) that they didn't want me back because I was sick for too long and they wouldn't renew my contract (which now I know is completely legal). My therapist said I should as for a career coach so they can help me look for a job in my current situation and that it's normal for companies to pay for this when situations like these happen. My question is can I ask this, is this normal? and can I get in trouble? This is my first time in a situation like this and of course because of how I feel mentally I am so nervous I don't know if I can ask for this. I know it's silly but I could use the help.

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