Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


Can I get out prematurely of rental contract due to safety concerns?

I have signed a lease for an apartment starting 1 September, with a minimum renting period of one year. However, since then two unsettling incidents have happened (both reported to the police), that have made me feel very unsafe and want to move out sooner:

1) A group of four men came to the apartment window after midnight and verbally assaulted me and my boyfriend with homophobic slurs
2) There was a break-in attempt damaging the wall and smashing a car window.

The apartment is very exposed. It is on the ground floor and has windows to three sides. Recently, I have learned that the previous renter has experienced two break-ins through the window. My question is whether I could end my rental contract earlier due to these circumstances. The landlord has not been responsive to my reports and worries concerning either of the incidents. Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to reading from you.

Based on Dutch rental law, ending a lease agreement prematurely due to safety concerns can be complex.

1. The rental agreement: As a standard practice, Dutch rental agreements have a minimum term for termination by the tenant which you've indicated to be 1 year in your case. After this period, it's usually possible to terminate with a notice period (typically one to three months).

2. 'Huurcommissie' (Rent Tribunal): if you believe your living conditions are disruptive or harmful, you can approach the Huurcommissie for advice. However, it's important to note that feeling unsafe does not automatically mean the rental contract can be terminated prematurely.

3. Legal action: If you believe that you're in serious danger and your landlord is not taking appropriate action to ensure your safety, you may consider seeking legal remedies.

To leverage your position:
- Consider filing official complaints against your landlord through the local municipality, or even the police.
- Document all incidents clearly and keep a record of all your correspondence with your landlord regarding these issues.
- Consult a Dutch housing association or tenant union, as they can often provide advice or referrals to services that may help.

All in all, I recommend speaking to a professional legal advisor or lawyer to accurately assess the situation and guide you on the suitable path. The nature and seriousness of the issue indicate an urgent need for legal guidance.

Please note that the above is a general guide and may not apply to your situation exactly.

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