Stel vraag

Overheid, Gemeente, Vergunning


Can I be charged a fine for missing health insurance while being insured in an other country?

I hope this message finds you well.
I am seeking legal advise for the current situation:

I lived in the Netherlands from 2017 to 2022 and moved to another EU country end of 2022.
During the transition 2022 - 2023 I was in communication with my dutch health insurance, proving to them that I am living and working abroad, resulting in them successfully de-registering me from dutch health insurance.
While my previous dutch health insurance has been informed about my departure from NL, I have missed to explicitly inform the municipality of Amsterdam. Now, it has come to my attention that I am being fined for not having a dutch health insurance in the year 2023, although I have been living and working in another country for the entirety of the year. I have received 2x fines of 479€ from CAK (and a threat that they will insure me by force if I don't take up a dutch health insurance) and additional letter from a lawyer asking me to pay the amount plus the lawyer's fee.
Please be aware that I have NOT received any letters in person as I have not been in NL for over a year. My previous flatmates have now (this week) informed me about my situation after collecting all my letters.
As I am aware that I have to inform the municipality and CAK about my situation, I have a few questions regarding this matter:

1) Are the fines still valid (do I still have to pay) even though I have been living and working for the entire year 2023 abroad? (And considering I never received the letters).
2) If yes, does the Dutch government have the power to chase me in another country?
3) What are the consequences of me not paying the fees, if I communicate my departure in 2022 to the authorities?
4) Do I have to pay the lawyer's fee, even though I have not sent their services in order and even though I have been falsely fined for not having a dutch health insurance?
5) Is there a way to not pay the fines? (I am a low income earner, paying ca. 1000€ for a service I don't require will damage me a lot)
6) Which actions am I supposed to take in order to get out if this situation with as least damage as possible?

I would appreciate some legal advise regarding my situation as I am lost as to what my rights are and my actions should be.
Thanks a lot for your response in advance.

Gratis antwoord op juridische vraag

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