Stel vraag

Overheid, Gemeente, Vergunning


Can gemeente Nederbetuwe deny help?

Please help this fulltime working mother with a sick child and others as well.
My husband and I have had created Uitnodiging/garantverklaring in May 10th 2022. However the form downloaded from nederbetuwe website was OLD/WRONG (and is still WRONG as of today June14th 2022) and therefore IND/embassy had rejected the visa tourist of my family on Friday June 10th 2022 and requested to have the NEW form within 2 working days. I immediately made an appointment and secured it today June 14th 2022 at 15.15. Today is the LAST day that we can submit the Uitnodiging/garantverklaring to IND/embassy for requesting tourist visa.
However, our 10 month old daughter is sick with red eyes and spots on her body and we need to go to the doctor today at 15.00.
I called 140488 today June 14th 2022 at 10.01 explaining my situation and asked the appointment pushed to 16.00 so that we can bring our daughter to the doctor.
Cody, the lady in the phone, said no and either we go to the doctor or to the municipality. I also offer a solution that my husband signed the form at home and go to the doctor, and I go to the municipality alone. Cody also said no. I mentioned that it is notour fault that the form was incorrect, it is the gemeente's fault and should be accountable for it. Cody also said no. I mentioned that this is our last day to submit the form to IND/embassy and Cody said that it is not her problem.
I am a full time working mother with 2 jobs 50h/week with a sick child begging help to our local gemeente neder betuwe to push our appointment so that our child can go to the doctor for immediate help. I was literally begging to the lady and no help was offered. I am helpless. I have spent over 2000 euro for visa and tickets for my family visiting our children and because of the fault of gemeente, my child and I were punished and bearing the consequences.
Is this how gemeente treated the people? Is this the face of gemeente who is inhuman, heartless and lack of empathy? How did they treat other citizens? Or is it because my Dutch imperfect and thus treated badly? What about other non Dutch speaking citizen of nederbetuwe?
I then wrote a formal complain to the gemeente and burgemeester of nederbetuwe at 10.23 via and
At 13.12, Annemiek or Annelote, another lady from gemeente neder betuwe, called me in Dutch. I asked her to talk in English to prevent misunderstanding. She refused and continued in Dutch with intimidating tone while I continued in English. She asked when I am planning to come to the gemeente and I mentioned I will come at 15.15 as scheduled. And she said she will be expecting us there.
I am sadden on how I was treated while merely asking help when really needed.
Please let me know and help us in this matter and other citizen that may be have the same situation.

Gratis antwoord op juridische vraag

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