Stel vraag

Overheid, Gemeente, Vergunning


Administrative seizure due to upaid fines

We are writing to formally object to the administrative seizure of our car applied due to unpaid fines. This measure was notified to us on January 29, 2024, at 8:45 PM.
We contest the legitimacy of this measure because we have never received any payment notice for the fines in question. In the past, we have always paid our fines regularly, both for speeding and for illegal parking. We have always received the payment notice at our home or with a receipt placed on the car's windshield, with the option to pay online or with a payment agreement.
However, in this case, we have not received any payment notice. We have checked our mailbox and that of my father in Italy, but there is no trace of any registered letter or notice of undelivered mail. This means that we have never had the opportunity to pay the fines and that we have not been informed of the administrative seizure.
We believe that the administrative seizure is illegitimate because we have not been adequately informed of the situation and have not had the opportunity to rectify our mistake. We apologize for our mistake in not paying the fines, but we believe that the administrative seizure is excessive and disproportionate.
We would like to explain our situation: we were told that after 8:00 PM parking is free. We parked the car in an area where parking is allowed and did not think it was necessary to pay a ticket. Furthermore, we have always paid our fines regularly in the past, so we had no reason to believe that administrative seizure was a possibility.
We kindly request that you lift the administrative seizure of our car and that we be given the opportunity to pay the fines in accordance with the law. We are willing to cooperate with you to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.
I understand that complaints like this are usually made directly to the Municipality. Yesterday I tried many times to explain to them that I have never received a single fine from them, but they kept telling me that I could not prove it. That's why I would like to take legal action.
Last night I settled the debt with the municipality of 1500 euros and I had to ask my owner for the money and it wasn`t very nice.
I attach to this email the receipts I got from the municipality only yesterday, and it`s very understandable that we didn`t know about them because they were all taken on the same street, at the same time, one day after another.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
I tried to call many times but the phone is always busy, and I also let one text in the phone call. To be sure that you will receive it I am writing also this email

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Stel vraag