Salary problems in case of dismissal from contract
I got a contract of 6 months with a 2 month trial period. I started on January 2 (FT) all colleagues got their salary on January 24. I called the employer on January 29 when I would get my salary he said January 30 or 31. On January 31 I suddenly got a contract of 8 hours instead of 38 I did not agree with that so I could leave now he does not want to pay my salaryLawyer
A trial period of 2 months is prohibited for a 6-month employment contract. Therefore, according to the law, there is no trial period. You are still employed. I strongly advise you to protest your dismissal in writing very quickly (or have it protested) and also indicate in the letter that you are available to work and that you are entitled to your wages. Please note: if you do not protest, you will forfeit any benefit rights you may have. For assistance with this, you can contact one of the employment lawyers here directly, without obligation, e.g. via the 'direct contact' link that you will see with this answer if you are logged in. I'm happy to help you with this.Neem de volgende stap
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