Report complaints sliding door not visible


The sliding door is badly damaged and the glass of the sliding door cracked twice in 2023. Then they put in new glass, but they are not good. The thickness of the glass is thinner than what should have been put in. Now there is a draft, cold, leakage through the entire sliding door. A glass dealer does not want to fix these complaints that they have caused. D. has instructed their contractor company that they are not allowed to make or renew this. The facade manager has been and they have made a report about this, but D. does not want to give it to me.


The sliding door has defects that need to be resolved. The glass dealer must install the glass in good condition and is obliged to compensate for the damage. The report on this from the facade manager must of course be made available for inspection because there is a duty of proof to demonstrate the damage. If you contact me further via: or via this platform, I can assist you in this matter free of charge. Greetings, Mr. Groenewegen, J.


Dear Mr. Groenewegen, Thank you for your answer, . I would appreciate it if you would assist me in this matter. Kind regards, Laurens Seger


Dear Mr. Seger, Thank you for your message. You may send an email to: so that I can inform you further. Thanks in advance. Greetings, Mr. Groenewegen, J.

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