Why does a debt collection agency ask me to send documents?


I have a debt with a collection agency and I want to make an arrangement, I have already emailed them many times that I want to pay off 100 monthly and possibly more if there is a chance. Every time I get messages that I have to send documents, my pay slip, overview of my monthly expenses/income from my bank statement savings account etc. I have already indicated a few times not to send this information, that I want to make an arrangement, 100 monthly. I again get a response that they have asked me to send the documents and they are now summoning me to pay the full amount within 14 days. This makes me so sad, what can I do in this situation?


It seems that the collection agency wants to see financial evidence to enter into a payment arrangement. They probably want to make sure that you are able to make the proposed payments and that this arrangement will not lead to further debt. Although you are not required to provide these documents, refusing to do so may impact whether your payment arrangement proposal is accepted. If you are concerned about sharing this information, you may find it more comfortable to consult with an independent debt counsellor, lawyer or attorney. They can help you gain insight into your financial situation and negotiate an arrangement that is feasible for you and acceptable to the debt collection agency. Leaving the debt unpaid or ignoring it could ultimately lead to further costs and possible legal action, so it may be wise to seek professional advice to ensure you handle this situation in the best possible way. If you decide not to provide the requested information and the collection agency continues to insist on full payment, they can try to recover the full amount through the court. In such a situation, you definitely need a lawyer or legal expert. Please note: This is only exploratory advice. It is important to get personal legal advice that is tailored to your specific situation. ---------------- Stichting Rechtswinkel.nl is a national organization with students and volunteers. The above advice is based on limited information and may be incomplete or even incorrect for your situation. Always consult a lawyer or attorney for your further steps. Read disclaimer: https://rechtswinkel.nl/disclaimer I would like to invite you to rate the above answer so that we can learn from your response.

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