Vve is going to remove the indoor playground.


Urgent help needed. We received a letter that the playground is being removed and we do not agree with it.


I am sorry to hear that your VvE has decided to remove the indoor playground. This can be very annoying, especially if you have small children. In your case, there are many factors to consider. As the owner of an apartment right within an Owners' Association (VvE), you have certain rights, but there are also rules that the VvE must follow. Normally, such a decision is accompanied by a meeting in which it is discussed and voted on. If that vote is organized according to the correct procedure and the decision was according to the rules of the VvE, then it is generally legally binding. However, if you think something is wrong, you could challenge it. For example, if the correct voting procedure has not been followed, or if you have not been invited to the meeting, or if the VvE has not complied with the provisions in the deed of division. The steps that can be taken to respond to this decision will depend on the exact circumstances of your case, so my advice can only be exploratory. Depending on the specifics of your situation, it may be useful to engage a legal advisor or lawyer to guide you through the process and to represent your interests. They are specialists in this area and can effectively guide you in challenging this decision. It may also be interesting to seek help from organisations that support tenants and buyers in their relationship with VvEs. These organisations often have experience with such situations and may be able to help you further. I hope this gives you some guidance for the rest of this process. Good luck! ---------------- Stichting Rechtswinkel.nl is a national organization with students and volunteers. The above advice is based on limited information and may be incomplete or even incorrect for your situation. Always consult a lawyer or attorney for your further steps. Read disclaimer: https://rechtswinkel.nl/disclaimer I would like to invite you to rate the above answer so that we can learn from your response.

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