Savings in the event of divorce of registered partnership.


What happens to my savings that are in my own savings account? We have a registered partnership with partnership conditions.


If you have entered into a registered partnership with partnership conditions, you may have made different agreements about what happens to savings in the event of divorce. The exact consequences depend on what is stated in these conditions. In general, in a registered partnership without partnership conditions, the standard statutory community of property is maintained in the Netherlands. This means that all assets and debts are common and must be divided in half in the event of a divorce. However, if you have drawn up partnership terms, you may have opted for a limited community of property or for a complete exclusion of the community of property. In the case of a limited community of property, only the assets and debts that were built up during the partnership are common. Assets that were built up before the partnership remain private and do not have to be shared in the event of a divorce. With a complete exclusion of the community of property, all assets and debts remain private. If the savings on your account were built up during the registered partnership, it depends on the partnership conditions whether this money has to be shared in the event of a divorce. It is therefore advisable to check the conditions or consult a lawyer or attorney to find out what the possible consequences are in your specific situation. ---------------- Stichting is a national organization with students and volunteers. The above advice is based on limited information and may be incomplete or even incorrect for your situation. Always consult a lawyer or attorney for your further steps. Read disclaimer: I would like to invite you to rate the above answer so that we can learn from your response. Can we help you free of charge or refer you to the Divorce Shop? Call us during office hours on 040 2350422

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