Will my father's state pension be reduced if I live with his girlfriend?


I live with my father and his girlfriend. His girlfriend is temporarily in the Netherlands. Maximum five years. She also has income but uses it for study.


No, according to the Social Insurance Bank (SVB), the agency that pays out the AOW, the AOW benefit is not affected by adult children living at home. The amount of the AOW depends on the living situation of the person receiving the AOW, not on the family members or other persons living at home. If your father lives alone, he is entitled to a higher AOW than if he lives with someone else. In this case, however, your father's girlfriend can be seen as a cohabiting partner. If they live together and are considered partners, they each receive half of the joint AOW pension that applies to cohabiting partners. However, every personal situation is unique, it is always wise to consult with the SVB or a legal expert about the specific details of your situation.' ---------------- Stichting Rechtswinkel.nl is a national organization with students and volunteers. The above advice is based on limited information and may be incomplete or even incorrect for your situation. Always consult a lawyer or attorney for your further steps. Read disclaimer: https://rechtswinkel.nl/disclaimer

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