My right to vacation days
I have a question regarding my vacation days. The dental practice where I work was taken over by a dental practice chain 2 years ago. and now from January 1st next year they want our vacation to go from 7 to 5 weeks. I have been working at this practice for 22 years now and I have always had 7 weeks of vacation. Is this an acquired right for me and also a verbal agreement? Can this just be put back? Please respond. Thank you in advance for your efforts. Yours sincerely,Lawyer
There are two types of vacation days: statutory and extra-statutory vacation days. Statutory vacation days are determined by the Working Conditions Act and are equal to four times the number of days you work per week. In your case, it seems that you have more vacation days than what is legally prescribed, these extra days are considered extra-statutory vacation days. With regard to changing the statutory vacation days, it depends on the circumstances of the situation. Your problem involves changing employment conditions, which is a complex area of labor law. In general, employment conditions cannot be changed unilaterally by the employer without your consent. Changes to the number of vacation days would be considered a change in employment conditions. Therefore, your employer’s proposed policy may be unlawful. However, since employment law is a complex area, there are exceptions to this rule. It can therefore be useful to seek legal advice. In addition, it may be wise to look at the takeover contract for the sale of the practice and your employment contract to see whether it contains any provisions regarding changing the employment conditions. In your situation, it may be a good idea to seek union support or legal advice from a specialist employment lawyer who can help you navigate this complex issue. I hope this provides some insight, but given the complexity of this question, I would recommend seeking legal advice. ---------------- Stichting is a national organization with students and volunteers. The above advice is based on limited information and may be incomplete or even incorrect for your situation. Always consult a lawyer or attorney for your further steps. Read disclaimer: de volgende stap
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