Which factors form the basis for recalculating child support?
My ex-partner sent a proposal for recalculating child support. Our oldest daughter will be 21 next week and the youngest recently turned 18. When recalculating, he divided the support by 2 and deducted the student grant from that. I cannot find anywhere whether this calculation is correct. When I asked various agencies, I received different answers. One agency stated that my 18-year-old daughter should have the support recalculated through a lawyer or mediator instead of me doing that. Can you provide clarity about the calculation of child support and the correct way to do it? My gut feeling tells me that the calculation is not correct and it seems to me that, if that works, they will agree on what the alimony will be. Another second question: should the new amount be recorded and how should it be recorded? I read messages that if it is not determined by a judge, you cannot have a collection or recovery done in case of a payment arrears. Third question: I now also receive compensation for the care of both daughters. That falls under the article child support. Should this amount be divided by 2?Lawyer
I can understand that the recalculation of child support raises questions, especially when different insights are shared by authorities. Although my advice offers a general explanation, it is advisable to engage a legal expert for a tailor-made advice. 1. Calculating child support is a complex matter and depends on various factors such as the income of the parents, the age of the children and the needs of the children. The Trema standards are leading in the Netherlands in determining child support. When children reach the age of 18, they can submit a request for recalculation of child support themselves. The support can then indeed be paid directly to them. 2. If you and your ex-partner reach a new agreement on the amount of child support, it is wise to record this in writing. You do not have to have this determined by a judge, but it does have advantages if this is done. For example, if the parent entitled to support does not pay the determined support, he or she can call in the National Bureau for the Collection of Maintenance Contributions (LBIO) to collect the support. 3. Regarding the compensation for care; child support is intended to cover the costs of raising and caring for the children. If the children are older than 18 years, this compensation is in principle no longer paid. Unless otherwise agreed in the agreements. In case of doubt or questions about this, it is advisable to discuss this with a legal expert. Please note: this answer is based on a general explanation of the rules surrounding child support and may not be fully applicable to your specific situation. For tailored advice, you should consult a lawyer or attorney.' ---------------- Stichting Rechtswinkel.nl is a national organization with students and volunteers. The above advice is based on limited information and may be incomplete or even incorrect for your situation. Always consult a lawyer or attorney for your further steps. Read disclaimer: https://rechtswinkel.nl/disclaimerNeem de volgende stap
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