Does using a postal address affect benefits?


I have a rental property. My brother and sister-in-law (and 2 adult children) want to sell their house and move to a holiday home. They don't know if this is temporary, but it could very well be. They are thinking about emigrating in a few years. Their idea was to have the mail delivered to my address until then. My questions are: 1. Can they use my address as a mailing address? I don't mind. 2. Do they also have to register with the municipality at my address? 3. Does this affect my benefits? I have a UWV Wajong benefit. 4. Are there any other requirements they need to meet to ensure this goes as smoothly as possible? I ask these questions together with my brother, hence the other questions.


Using a postal address instead of a residential address may indeed be possible, and under certain circumstances will not affect your benefits or allowances. However, it is important to take a number of things into account: 1. Postal Address: Yes, your brother and sister-in-law can use your address as their postal address, as long as you agree. This means that all their mail will be delivered to your address. 2. Registration with the municipality: In principle, a person is required to register with the municipality at the address where he or she resides most of the time. However, if your brother and sister-in-law mainly reside in their holiday home, they may be able to remain registered in their current municipality. However, this is highly dependent on the exact situation and the municipality in question. It is therefore advisable to contact the municipality where the holiday home is located. 3. Allowances: Using your address as a postal address should in principle not affect your Wajong benefit or other allowances. However, this may be different if they also register at your address in the Personal Records Database (BRP). To be sure, contact the UWV and/or the Tax Authorities to explain your situation. 4. Further obligations: It is important that your brother and sister-in-law report their new address to all relevant authorities, such as the Tax Authorities. If they register at your address in the BRP, they must also ensure that they deregister at their old address. It is wise to consult a lawyer or attorney for these matters to ensure that everything is arranged correctly. It is important that everything is carried out in accordance with the law and regulations. ---------------- Stichting is a national organization with students and volunteers. The above advice is based on limited information and may be incomplete or even incorrect for your situation. Always consult a lawyer or attorney for your further steps. Read disclaimer:

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