What to do in case of a counter-report of assault?


My sister-in-law speaks poor Dutch. On Ascension Day she was assaulted out of nowhere with physical injuries on the street. Presumably a racist reason. She herself did not use violence. There are no witnesses as far as we know. She has to appear at the police station on November 3 because of a counter-report for assault. She is nervous and afraid of the language problems and the counter-report. We have no information about the file. Of course we asked.


Good afternoon, Annoying situation she has had to deal with. In her capacity as a suspect, it is advisable to contact a criminal lawyer. The possibilities to view the file are well arranged. In the case of her role as a victim, we could legally assist her. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities. Gr, Mr. Mr. S. Leito FerLei Legal 06-49175526

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