Threat by friend punishable?


The man said this on my voicemail: you want to play chess, fine, grab your things and you're going to die. And this an hour later: time to die. I was wondering how punishable this is. And what I can do about it. The reason was the following: he told me that he had a tumor and was recently married. Sunday August 20th was his last day. On August 21st I offered my condolences to what I thought was his wife but she knew nothing about it, not that she was his wife or about the tumor. Now it turns out that he lied about everything, he lied about many more things, such as that his father had cancer which was not true. Now she unmasked him last week and he did not appreciate that. He already had a whole world with her in his head. And I destroyed that fantasy world. They are only friends who do something fun every now and then. The lies are of course very stupid but I find the threat much worse. And I wondered if I could do something with it.


Good afternoon, Annoying situation that you are dealing with. The words that you believe were uttered could be considered a punishable threat. It is advisable to keep the recordings as evidence, if you plan to report it to the police. All circumstances in the case will be taken into account in judging whether the person can be prosecuted. If you need help/guidance during the process, please feel free to contact us without obligation. Yours sincerely, Mr. Mr. S. Leito FerLei Legal 06-49175526


Thanks for your answer. I went to the office yesterday, a mutation was made. Not quite enough for a real report. The man also left me a voicemail message saying: I will destroy you and I will start with what is most dear to you.. he means my 5 year old son, because he knows how dear he is. The police also do not think this is enough to file a report.


In principle, the police may not refuse a report. This is laid down by law. However, the question you should ask yourself is what you want to achieve with a report (e.g. prosecution/justice/compensation). If you do not want to take any further steps, a mutation is also sufficient to be able to build up a file. Yours sincerely, Mr. Mr. S. Leito


I think he should be prosecuted and justice should be done. Especially now that he involves my son. My husband has a brain injury and he finds it all exciting. But the police said that this is not enough to file a real report.


If you email your name and phone number, I will contact you to discuss the possibilities. You can email to Yours sincerely, Mr. Mr. S. Leito FerLei Legal 06-49175526

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