Am I entitled to benefits?
I have autism and have been declared unfit for work when applying for a wajong. Unfortunately, I am not entitled to the wajong because of a future therapy (for trauma) which means that my work disability could theoretically expire. I don't have any confidence in this myself because I'm just always tired, get tired extremely quickly from stimuli (I now sleep an average of 11 hours a night because otherwise I fall asleep without wanting to) and if I experience too much stress, it goes into my body. As a result, I tear muscles, my tendons become inflamed and I get constant back pain. I suffered a lot from this in regular education (I walked on crutches almost all the time), a little less in special education and it stopped when I was at home for a year. I have been living with my boyfriend for two years now, and he does have an income that is so high that I am apparently not entitled to social assistance. Is there perhaps another benefit/scheme to which I am entitled? At the moment I only receive health care allowance. For example, is it possible to also add myself to the rental contract and then apply for housing benefit? Or is there something like a sports allowance? Or is there a chance that I can immediately receive a Wajong benefit because I have already completed all treatment for autism? I also don't have a registered partnership or anything like that with my boyfriend, only a joint bank account. I would like to have some kind of income because the lack of it creates a strange power dynamic in my relationship, where I have to ask him for everything I want because I have no income. Oh yeah, I'm 22 and he's 26. I was also born in Amsterdam, maybe that offers opportunities?Lawyer
Dear, Once you have been declared incapacitated for work, you are entitled to a Wajong benefit. For more information about the conditions, see: If you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact me at: de volgende stap
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