Ex does not adhere to visitation schedule.
During the divorce, the judge determined the following, among other things: * I have my son every other weekend; * one parent brings and the other picks up. However, my ex does not keep to the agreements made and I have no money to start another lawsuit. The previous one lasted five years and cost me 70,000 euros in legal fees.Lawyer
If your ex-partner does not adhere to the agreements made, you can start summary proceedings through a lawyer. In summary proceedings, the judge can establish rules for non-compliance with the parenting plan. You can also check the judge's ruling to see if the judge has attached additional rules to non-compliance with the ruling. I can offer you a free intake interview with a lawyer, in which you can explain your situation. The lawyer will provide advice based on your situation. You can contact the following telephone number: 040 2350422.Neem de volgende stap
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