Invoice does not match quote
On August 26, we received a quote for the installation of solar panels. Four days later we agreed to this. In the attachment you will find the quotation. This is a second offer because we wanted more panels ourselves. After digitally signing the offer, it turned out that this company could not supply the solar panels that it had offered in the offer. We did agree to the other panels, despite the fact that this price is technically much more advantageous. In this way, the company can also assemble faster. On Friday September 16th the solar panels were supposed to be installed. On Thursday September 15th we asked by email if they could call us half an hour before the start so that we could go home and we also asked for the invoice so that we could prepare the payment. On Friday September 16th they were supposed to be there around 10:00. It could be 2 hours earlier but also 2 hours later. We called them 3 times asking when they would come. Finally they were at the door at 13:30. I called the office again to ask for the invoice so I could prepare the payment. The office could not find an invoice. I had to ask the technician for it. The mechanic showed me a sort of invoice on his phone. The amount was 1300 euros net more expensive than what was offered to us. The mechanic contacted the owner. He indicated that we had also noticed this error ourselves. We then asked him to solve this together in a proper manner. The owner, according to him, contacted his lawyer to see what he could do. He offered us a 100 euro discount but without liability for anything. We did not agree to this. The way this man spoke to us was not customer-friendly and very rude. He himself said that the panels would not be laid and sent the fitters away. We asked him to send us an email that the offer would be cancelled. He did not want to do that because we had given the order. The fitters left without having done anything. We immediately sent an email that we wanted to cancel the offer because he made a mistake in his offer, did not come with a suitable/realistic discount and that this amount was not feasible for us. He then emailed us back that he would not cancel the offer because we could have noticed this mistake ourselves. Unfortunately, we do not have legal expenses insurance. We would like to hear from you who is in the right and what we can best do now. Should we still respond to his last email or should we let it rest and look for another party.Lawyer
The starting point is that the agreements made must be fulfilled. Unless there are other contractual agreements about this (which could also be set out in any applicable general terms and conditions), the supplier cannot simply adjust prices unilaterally. You can call me for a no-obligation consultation if you want (06-30575754).Neem de volgende stap
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