Addendum valid new contract?


I have a question. When I started my job, I signed an employment contract with an addendum that I had to pay back induction costs if I quit early. Now another employment contract has come into effect in which I did not sign an additional addendum regarding induction costs. I submitted my resignation last week. Now my employer still wants me to pay back the induction costs. Doesn't the addendum only apply to the first contract that is no longer valid? That would mean that I don't have to pay back the induction costs either. Or is that legally different?


Initially, this will depend very much on the way in which everything is formulated. That is somewhat difficult to judge 'at a distance'. Incidentally, an obligation to repay 'training costs' upon departure of the employee does raise my eyebrows. The question is whether such a clause would be legally valid. If you would like to discuss, please call us (without obligation) at 06-30575754.

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