What is the notice period?


On July 1st, I started a new job, which falls under the Collective Labor Agreement for Secondary Education. I have a fixed-term contract (one year) in which I read in the Collective Labor Agreement that my notice period would be one month, since my contract lasted less than six months (there is no trial period). Because my job is not what I had hoped for, I want to terminate my contract before August 1st. The termination will take place during my vacation, which has just started and will last five weeks. Can I then assume that despite my vacation, the employment contract will end on September 1st?


It depends on your employment contract. If your employment contract states that you can terminate prematurely, then you can indeed do so with the applicable notice period. If this interim termination clause is not in the employment contract, you unfortunately cannot terminate prematurely. If you want to be sure, you can always send your employment contract without obligation and I can look at it with you. Information can be found on boksjuristen.nl.

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