What am I allowed to place on the property line between 2 garages on my side of the property line with right of way?
We have a shared driveway with the neighbors and there is a right of way for both of us. At the end of the driveway there are 2 garages, 1 of us and 1 of the neighbors. Are we allowed to place a fence or something on our side of the property line between the 2 garages??? The neighbors have built their extension in such a way that if we are allowed to place a fence, they will no longer be able to enter their garage with their car. But they have had their car in the front garden for 2 years. They never use the garage to park their car.Lawyer
I assume that the right of way is used to drive up to the garage? Is that described somewhere in a deed? If not, it may be that the actual use is leading, but that requires a certain consistent use. Two years is not really long in the light of a property right. Of course, you may ask permission and agree with your neighbors that you will remove the fence when the house is sold.Neem de volgende stap
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