Can I terminate my fixed-term employment contract prematurely?
I have a fixed-term employment contract (1 year ends on 24-8-2022), but there is no article that can be terminated in the meantime. However, there is this article: Duration of the employment contract: 3.2 In the event of termination of the employment contract, the notice periods resulting from the provisions of Articles 7:671 and 7:672 of the Civil Code shall apply. Here it seems as if it can be terminated in the meantime. So it is confusing whether or not I can terminate in the meantime without having consequences to pay for costs in the months that I am no longer working for the remaining time of the employment contract. I am aware that I am then not entitled to a UWV benefit. Thank you in advance for your response.Lawyer
A fixed-term agreement cannot be terminated if there is no termination option included in the contract. I understand the confusion due to the reference to art. 6:671 BW. That article enables the employer to terminate the employment contract in certain cases without the employee's consent. In addition, the article enables the employer to terminate the contract with the employee's consent. In short, this article is written for the employer. However, an agreement can always be terminated by mutual consent and vice versa, the employer can terminate with your permission. The safest option is to consult with your employer and explain the situation. If the employer agrees, the agreement can still be terminated. An employer usually does not want a situation in which someone has to work in a company against their will for a few more months.Neem de volgende stap
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