Connect a piece of land to the house


We have lived next to my parents for 27 years. Both have now passed away. A piece of land is next to our driveway/garden. It used to be a farm and we renovated the stable. It was bought out by the municipality at the time. And behind us is all new construction and for an unobstructed view. Now we would like to have a piece of land next to our house adjoining the driveway/garden. And sell the remaining house and land. What price would we have to pay then? And what does this land fall under. My father used it as a pasture for sheep, goats, chickens. Mvgr


A market-conform price, you can then better have a real estate agent perform a valuation of the current and future situation. Incidentally, you could also ask the municipality whether they are prepared to cooperate in the functional change of the piece of land. You can look in the zoning plan yourself what functional possibilities there are, and whether changes are possible and necessary for the new use.

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