Ex wants to reduce child support
My ex husband wants to have the covenant adjusted, because his financial situation has changed. He has built up debts in the last 2 years. He also pays part of the child support. I had said that I understood that temporary and that we would talk about it. He kept and keeps shouting that he doesn't have it etc... agreement was 190 per month. Is now 120 per month, because I didn't want him in any more trouble. He has now contacted a lawyer to ask to adjust the agreement in connection with the financial situation and agreements with his child. Does that cost money? The bond between the two is not really clear. She doesn't want to go to them and yet she does. I always made sure she went to him. He has that right. I don't know what to expect. I live on benefits myself and if he wants to adjust it, it will cost money. And if I don't agree, what can I do? There is no money to start long procedures. Hopefully you can help me Or provide information in which direction I should look. Yours sincerelyLawyer
Good morning, If your ex-partner wishes to change the child support, he will first have to have a recalculation done. If he states that there is indeed reason to request a reduction, he will have to present this to you. In that case, it is advisable to also seek advice on this recalculation. Matters such as 'earning capacity' and whether or not you are unemployed through your own fault play a role in this. The reason for the debts also needs to be carefully examined. If the consultation does not lead to anything, the child support can only be changed if the court accepts the request for change. You will of course be given the opportunity to defend yourself against that request in that procedure. This also applies to a change in the visitation arrangement. If you receive benefits, you may be eligible for legal aid. If you would like to discuss this, you can contact the officeNeem de volgende stap
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