Threatening with legal action


Summoned by a company in Rotterdam to pay an amount (to be paid within three days) in accordance with Articles 6.96 and 6.119a of the Civil Code This company is unknown to me and was found on the internet under this address as a sole proprietorship started on 14-9-2021. The reminder does not include a date for the amount claimed, etc. Contacted (by phone) no answer, they only respond to emails in two days (they say) I assume I won't respond to this?


The other party should be able to explain and substantiate what the alleged claim is based on. Should you have ordered goods or should you have used services, for example? If this substantiation and explanation cannot be provided, this could be considered suspicious.


I completely agree with this, in fact, I also responded to this incident in that vein, to which I understandably have not yet received a response (and I probably will not get one either), in any case, thank you kindly John van der Toorn 06-23383590

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