How do I get my trailer tent out of the caravan storage?
Our trailer tent is in storage. Just like last year. Agreement signed. Now decided to sell the trailer tent and we have a purchase and a verbal agreement. Purchase still wants to take the last look, but given extensive photos he is satisfied and we have an agreement on the price. I called the owner of the storage facility and asked him to put the trailer tent outside as soon as possible so that I could pick it up. The owner refused because line 10 of the agreement states that no caravan, trailer tent or camper will be taken out of storage before the end of the winter season, the last weekend of March. He cannot be persuaded to do this. His argument is. Everything is full, the trailer tent is positioned in such a way that there are many caravans in front of it, etc. etc. And you signed the agreement. I read it again and indeed it is in there. I explained that this is a different situation. A special case and that is why he must give me the opportunity to return my property. I wonder if that's even possible? Please reply. Thanks in advance for your effort. Yours sincerely,Lawyer
I don't really see anything unreasonable in this case, except that the case of interim sale is not regulated, then if that was indicated in advance, one could perhaps be assigned another place. Now all owners who are in the way with their property must be called in to move or they must give permission for moving: what does that cost?Neem de volgende stap
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