Can large leaves from the neighbor's banana plant block the view, light, sun and peace?


Our lovely garden is becoming less and less lovely thanks to our new neighbours. It started with an extension against the property line (without informing us) of 3 metres long and 3 metres high on the side of the fence where the sun shines. Gone is a piece of light and view. Our terrace was facing that. Because there is also an extension on the other side, it feels quite closed in. But we are making the best of it... Only now the large leaves of 3 banana plants (aren't those trees that big?!) are sticking out above the only remaining free part of the fence (3.5 metres high). As a result, there is less light, no more free view (the leaves connect to the extension) and they are constantly blowing into our garden, which means all the attention goes to those leaves. They look like flags. The leaves are torn and 1.5 metres long and 50 cm wide. The movement is also visible in the house. My question is, is it allowed for such a plant/tree to cause so much trouble? It feels like we are in their garden more than in our own.


Trees may not be planted within the two-metre zone from the property boundary, and shrubs and hedges may not be planted within 0.5 metres. These distances may differ in your municipality. Sometimes plants are considered trees if they are not maintained and grow out. In that case, you can demand from your neighbours that they do not grow above the fence.

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