What can you do if the employer deliberately creates an unworkable situation?
I am currently employed as an assistant caregiver for the severely disabled at the Company. Employer suddenly indicates in February that 'it will be over soon'. Unilateral offer employer to discuss 'external mobility'. Objection filed that 'external mobility' should mean 'from job to job' and may not be a disguised unilateral termination (no mobility with deadline). At the request of the employer, oriented towards training. Proposal made: employer does not wish to contribute to training and wants to stop paying wages ('terminate') at the moment that training starts. Additional: 'poor performance' is cited, while the last performance review was 'excellent' (interesting detail: the performance review took place after discussions about mobility and I am assigned medical services that I am not actually allowed to perform). In one of the messages from the HR manager, completely incorrect facts were listed regarding performance and there is a clear attempt to 'blacken' my name and to negatively influence the working atmosphere. Made employer financial proposal (50/50 arrangement proposed by himself) concerning training costs and partial payment of salary (24 hour contract). Now suddenly rejects this and says: 'then we will just leave the contract as it is'. So, on the one hand, wanting to continue with the contract, but at the same time seriously questioning my performance feels like heading towards an 'unworkable situation'. Please advise how best to proceed. I can forward all email exchanges that have already taken place if desired. Yours sincerely,Lawyer
This seems to be a labor dispute. Perhaps you would like to push for a settlement agreement (?). In any case, you may not agree to this in the event of illness, because otherwise any entitlement to benefits will be jeopardized. Before you make a decision on how to proceed, I advise you to seek advice from an employment lawyer. You may contact me without obligation.Questioner
Thank you very much for your response. I would like to receive further information for the right context, so please send me an email.Neem de volgende stap
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