What should I do if my employer is bullying you?


Reported sick due to heart problems. Employer does not accept this in the end but has called me privately, apped and emailed me several times after my sick report. She offered me 14 days of vacation, from my own hours?! They want to get rid of the 60+ employees at this company. Some have already resigned and some are home sick due to stress. I have now been prescribed 14 days of rest by my GP due to serious physical complaints. I feel so screwed. I am always flexible hard working embolism complaining and now this. We also do tenders ourselves, keep track of areas of interest, attend meetings and have been at work for 14 months while everyone has to stay home. It concerns a high school that is highly regarded in the country. We are all dead tired of everything and we have to handle even more tasks in a short time. Corona is now also hitting our company and people feel unsafe and exposed to the virus. This also came from work experience research which had to be discussed extensively in a team meeting!! It was terrible and I logged out of the meeting earlier and then received an angry email saying that this was not allowed?? It was my day off and I had reported in advance that I had an appointment. Angry email about it again. I have reduced working hours for the elderly and now I have to log in to meetings and consultations on my days off, which is why I am now stressed. I just don't know anymore whether to go right left or straight. I think about turning around but I like to look. Forward to my future with this company. Do you have any advice? The CNV supports me in this, but I am on my own and my colleagues are afraid of losing their jobs. The team leader reacts very tense and strange to us. She goes crazy and we have to listen she screams and rants and sends angry emails she stalks you with private phone calls and WhatsApp really very scary. I would love to hear from you


If you have reported sick, you do not have to take any vacation days. The employer has a duty to continue paying wages in case of illness. You do have reintegration obligations. I assume you have not yet been to the company doctor? You must follow his advice/instruction. The employer must behave as a good employer. This also includes proper and appropriate behavior. If you want to discuss your case, which apparently has quite a few facets, you can contact us without obligation.

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