Who should pay the costs of a blocked sewer?
In the back garden there is an old sewer pipe. This runs through the back garden of our neighbours. They had problems with rats. That is why they hired a company to see what was wrong. Their part of the sewer turned out to be quite clogged with sand. We turned out to have a break in our old stoneware sewer pipe. Because their sewer is located under their extension, we made a diversion through our back garden when replacing our part. For this we had to demolish our brick lounge bench. The neighbors have incurred considerable costs for the inspection and cleaning. Who is liable for these costs? We have not been able to claim anything through the insurance.Lawyer
All those who use the sewer in question will have to share the costs of work on that sewer.Questioner
What costs exactly? Only replacement of the sewer or also the research costs and cleaning?Lawyer
All costs reasonably incurred.Neem de volgende stap
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