What happens to my acquired right to housing benefit if I start living together temporarily?


I live in a house above the rent allowance limit, but because I rented it 5 years ago with a discount, it suddenly fell below the limit. and do I now have rent allowance. What if I move in together and therefore have too much income together, will this expire? My question is if things go wrong with the relationship and I end up alone again, will I be entitled to that rent allowance again or will it expire because my home is more expensive?


You continue to rent under the same contract and conditions. So after living together, I think you can still qualify for the allowance. Have you already submitted this question to the tax authorities?


If you want to claim rent allowance again after living together, this will be assessed based on the situation at that time. If your income is too high at that time and/or the rent is too high, you will not receive rent allowance. The fact that you have had it in the past does not change that situation.


Well, two different answers. In principle, they are both right. Mr Cohen rightly notes that the rent allowance is always based on the current situation, and that therefore, when you reapply, the situation that applies at that time is considered. But Mrs Ferwerda is also right, because there is an exceptional situation, which remains valid as long as you continue to live in the same home on the basis of the same rental contract. If you were entitled to rent allowance, the rent was then increased above the limit for rent allowance but you still receive rent allowance for the part below the limit, then you have an 'acquired right'. But that only applies to this specific rental situation. https://www.taxdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/taxdienst/prive/toeslagen/huurtoeslag/huur-en-servicekosten/huurtoeslag-en-verworven-recht

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