Legal Advice for Self-Employed | Social Assistance Benefits
Good afternoon, I am ..............and in 2012 I became self-employed with a cleaning company, now things are going a bit badly in the winter months and I wanted to apply for special assistance, a simple supplement so that I can provide for my basic bills in the month such as gas, water, electricity. Now I first have to declare myself bankrupt, for the UWV so that they can help me further, is that so? thank you very much in advanceLawyer
Yes, municipalities may refuse to provide social assistance if you have your own business if it is not viable. It is also questionable whether your business is viable if you are not able to earn enough to pay your basic insurance after such a short time. Incidentally, special assistance to self-employed persons is provided in the form of a loan that you must repay.Neem de volgende stap
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