What to do in case of flooding caused by neighbours?
I own a garage, which is connected to 3 other garages. Because the garages have subsided over the years, the lowest point of my garage is at the back. The roofs of the garages are not separated and the drains of each of the garages are located at the front. Because the lowest point is near my garage, I receive rainwater from a total of 4 garages. In the last 2 years my garage has been flooded 4 times: this is due to an increase in extreme rainfall and increased subsidence. Now I want to have a dam placed on my roof which will hold back the other water (the plan is in good consultation). I have learned that everyone is responsible for the drainage of their own rainwater on their own land. The neighbors are now claiming that I want to make my problem their problem! They have lived in their house for 20 years and it has always been like this! I have lived in my house for 9 years and have only had this water problem for a few years. What to do?Lawyer
The following articles from Book 5 of the Civil Code apply. You can even demand that your neighbours take measures on their own roof to prevent the nuisance you have from the drainage of their roofs on your roof. Article 52 1 An owner is obliged to arrange the covering of his buildings and works in such a way that water does not run off onto someone else's property. 2 Drainage on public roads is permitted unless prohibited by law or regulation. Article 53 An owner is obliged to ensure that no water or rubbish from his property enters the gutter of someone else's property.Neem de volgende stap
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