Veterinarian Liability: Free Advice
14 months ago our dog was operated on for a uterine infection. After a course of antibiotics it was decided to remove her uterus. Here the vet left a surgical clamp in the dog's body. Now 14 months later she started suffering from cramps after which I went to our own vet. Here it turned out that she was already in shock and there was therefore a rush to find the cause. After our vet had opened her up it turned out that her small intestine had gone through one of the eyes of the forceps, causing her small intestine to be black and already dead. After consultation with a colleague, he had to put her to sleep under anesthesia. In addition to the great loss, it also plays a role that it is a service dog. Because of this we cannot provide our services and another dog will have to be purchased. Before a new dog can be used, it will take about 9 months before this dog can be deployed. How can I hold the first vet liable and what costs can I recover. Our own vet wants to help us by means of a statement that this was the reason for the death. BvDLawyer
What an unpleasant situation. Veterinarians have a duty of care with regard to the treatment. In doing so, they must be careful during the operation and must ensure that the operation does not cause any further complications. Leaving a pair of forceps in your dog's abdomen can be considered a serious reproach. After all, the care is at stake here. The reproach must also be attributed to the veterinarian, which is also the case here. You can hold veterinarian A liable, providing adequate substantiation of the problem with as much evidence as possible. You can claim costs incurred in the event of illness and death of the dog, but unfortunately no compensation for pain and suffering. Veterinarians are often insured against these types of cases.Neem de volgende stap
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