Legal Advice in case of Employer Conflict


Looking for legal and work advice, I am addressing you with the following problem. I have been working for an employer as an on-call worker for a number of years now. Over the last year and a half, I have been able to work an average number of hours per period. However, the time has now come that the employer has offered me an agreement for well below the average hours I have worked in the last 3 months. I disagree with this and would like to make this known. However, the time has come for another company to take me over to perform work for them at a client who has since terminated his contract with my current employer. My question is whether I can simply enter into employment here without any problems or consequences. The new contract does state that I am not allowed to have business contact with their customers/relations without permission for 1 year after the end of the employment contract (does this also apply to 0-hour employment contracts?). This includes customers and relations with whom a business relationship has been maintained during the year of employment. Violation will result in a hefty fine. I need to look up if this is also in my old contract, but I suspect it is. So does this also apply to my new potential employer? I would like to receive legal advice on this matter. Hope it's a bit clear


You are very clear. You cannot force the employer not to hold you to the clause, once the contract has been signed. So you run a risk. This is also the case for a zero-hours contract. The consequences depend on the wording. If there is no non-competition clause in the contract, you can in principle start working for the business relationship. It has happened that an employee negotiated about the fine or that the new employer paid the fine. If you wish, you can contact us without any obligation.

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