What to do with unwanted voicemail?


Let’s say you accidentally got a voicemail. The person who called thought they had hung up. This is about a person who is a consultant for the municipality. In the conversation that came on the voicemail you are described very negatively it is a meeting... between consultants who twist everything in the conversation, mock you and also accuse you of having a double agenda. What are you allowed to do and not do with this recording? Can you send it to the press for example? Are there strict privacy laws on this? We are not talking about a third person who secretly records something, but is a witness to a conversation on her voicemail


There is no 1-2-3 answer to this question. There are many aspects to it (e.g. social security, privacy, criminal law). I therefore advise you to contact a law firm as soon as possible that has all these specializations in-house

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